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animal abuse

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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animal abuse

by Leann Melgoza

% of animal cruelty 

against animal abuse?

  • recognize animal cruelty 
  • speak up for animals
  • foster abused animals
  • start a fundraiser for abusive animals
Animal Abuse
For years humans think its okay to harm an innocent animal. Why? Well I’m explaining why they do so.
To begin with, the percentage of animal cruelty in the world is 85.2%. Dogs are being abused 69 percent, horses are being abused 87 percent, cats are being abused 56 percent, and elephants 75 percent. Us, as human beings should know more than to abuse an innocent animal, because from the looks of it more and more people lose their humanity.
If people find abusing an animal as an amusement, they can grow up to be a very bad person; even grow up to be a serial killer. So I doubt if you’re a person like me, you understand this can be awful for our future and our children’s future because we’re on the same agreement. Also if you feel bad or know someone who likes to hurt animals, please don’t hesitate to help them. The only way they can speak up, maybe by a meow or bark but they do not have enough help just by themselves. It is up to us to help them and fight for their rights too.
So if you’re against animal abuse recognize animal cruelty, speak up for animals, foster abused animals, or start a fundraiser for abusive animals. And also you can call 311, it’s a number for animals that are in need of help, of your help. Imagine you lost your animal for two weeks, you were worried sick, you had no hope you’ll reunite with your dog or cat and one day you recognized this dog you see walking past by with a limp looking at you as if she or he knows you. You get this feeling that, this could be my dog, but you weren’t sure if she or he was your dog, because you see this dog have open wounds, might die of starvation or dehydration and it could possibly have parasites because it looks like he or she has been through the most pain in its life. How would you feel? How would you feel knowing someone did this unbelievable terrible heartless act, with your dog.
Photo by AmazonCARES

examples of animal abuse

  • starvation 
  • dehydration
  • unexplained injuries (open wounds)

facts & STATISTICs

  • each year 10,000 bull dogs die from  bullfighting 
  • continuous chaining is illegal in some parts of the country
  • pit bull dogs are the most common victims of animal cruelty
Animal Abuse
For years humans think its okay to harm an innocent animal. Why? Well I’m explaining why they do so.
To begin with, the percentage of animal cruelty in the world is 85.2%. Dogs are being abused 69 percent, horses are being abused 87 percent, cats are being abused 56 percent, and elephants 75 percent. Us, as human beings should know more than to abuse an innocent animal, because from the looks of it more and more people lose their humanity.
If people find abusing an animal as an amusement, they can grow up to be a very bad person; even grow up to be a serial killer. So I doubt if you’re a person like me, you understand this can be awful for our future and our children’s future because we’re on the same agreement. Also if you feel bad or know someone who likes to hurt animals, please don’t hesitate to help them. The only way they can speak up, maybe by a meow or bark but they do not have enough help just by themselves. It is up to us to help them and fight for their rights too.
So if you’re against animal abuse recognize animal cruelty, speak up for animals, foster abused animals, or start a fundraiser for abusive animals. And also you can call 311, it’s a number for animals that are in need of help, of your help. Imagine you lost your animal for two weeks, you were worried sick, you had no hope you’ll reunite with your dog or cat and one day you recognized this dog you see walking past by with a limp looking at you as if she or he knows you. You get this feeling that, this could be my dog, but you weren’t sure if she or he was your dog, because you see this dog have open wounds, might die of starvation or dehydration and it could possibly have parasites because it looks like he or she has been through the most pain in its life. How would you feel? How would you feel knowing someone did this unbelievable terrible heartless act, with your dog.

why people abuse?

  • Animal Cruelty falls into two categories: active & passive
  • Active Cruelty
  • Passive Cruelty
Photo by amasc

the end

(ps. don't hurt innocent animals or people )
Photo by Jeffrey Beall