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Animal Cell VS Factor

Published on Feb 01, 2016

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Animal Cell VS Factory

Photo by why 137

Cytoskeleton = Building

Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Cell Membrane = Front doors

Mitochondria = Power Station

Photo by tim caynes

Nucleus = Boss

Photo by Gage Skidmore

Cytoplasm = Factory Floor

Photo by p2-r2

Ribosomes = Workers

Photo by atomicbeard

Endoplasmic Reticulum = Assembly Line

Golgi Apparatus = Inspectors


Photo by EJP Photo

Lysosomes = Janitor

Centrioles = Shipping

Photo by williamcho

If any part of this system were to be broken or missing then the whole factory could not operate

Photo by Darryl Hughes

Factory meets the needs of what the people want

Photo by JD Hancock

The transportation trucks can move in and out of the factory freely

Photo by frankieleon

The cytoskeleton is a structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal organization, and it also provides mechanical support that enables cells to carry out essential functions like division and movement.

Photo by TheJCB

Cytoplasm is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane. It is mainly composed of water, salts, and proteins. In eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm includes all of the material inside the cell and outside of the nucleus.

the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth.

Photo by sparktography

a network of membranous tubules within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell, continuous with the nuclear membrane. It usually has ribosomes attached and is involved in protein and lipid synthesis.

Ribosomes are ancient molecular machines that are responsible for production of protein in all living cells. They are large (2.5 MD molecular weight or larger) macromolecular complexes composed of RNA (2/3) and protein (1/3).

Photo by TheJCB

The Golgi apparatus gathers simple molecules and combines them to make molecules that are more complex. It then takes those big molecules, packages them in vesicles, and either stores them for later use or sends them out of the cell. It is also the organelle that builds lysosomes (cell digestion machines).

Photo by TheJCB

an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers (cristae).

Photo by Exothermic

Vacuoles are storage bubbles found in cells. They are found in both animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells. Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination.

the semipermeable membrane surrounding the
cytoplasm of a cell.

energy from the mitochondria makes proteins and lipids.

Photo by TheJCB

generator allows the factory to make the final product

Photo by ntr23

the thermostat in the factory keeps the workers alive and working well. Just like the cell does with homeostasis

Photo by rcbodden