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Animal Dissection Lab

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Frog & Rat
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Photo by Pazit Polak


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Amphibia
  • Order: Anura

Frog Characteristics

  • Amphibians that live on both land and in/near fresh water such as ponds and rivers.
  • Cold-blooded: uses sun and water to regulate body temperature
  • Moist, permeable skin
  • Carnivorous: feeds on earthworms, insects, spiders, and snails.
Photo by Roman Kasner

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  • Female frog lays eggs in water that are fertilized by the male frog.
  • After 21 days the embryo becomes a tadpole with a tail and gills like a fish.
  • At 5 weeks the tadpole grows legs, its mouth widens, it loses its gills and tail, and develops fully functioning lungs.
  • A fully developed frog emerges from the water 11 weeks after egg was laid.
Photo by Phil's 1stPix

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  • Use pins to secure hands and legs to pan
  • Use scapel to cut along the center and use picker to move skin aside
  • Use scissors to make incisions along the center, across the top from left to right of the neck and lower abdomen, and up the center of the neck.
  • Use picker to move the muscles aside to expose internal organs.

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  • Kingdom: Anamalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Order: Rodentia
Photo by PKMousie

Rat Characteristics

  • Thin-tailed, medium sized rodents
  • The brown and house rat are the most common around the world because they hitched a ride in boats to every country
  • Typically live where humans live
  • Are prey to snakes, wildcats, and birds
  • Most are nocturnal
  • Omnivores that eat a mixture of plants and animals; known to eat most anything
Photo by jans canon

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  • Placental mammals.
  • Fast breeders and give birth to large litters of 6-10 babies.
  • Can breed starting at 5 weeks of age.
  • 22 day gestation period.
Photo by ressaure

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  • Place pins in the hands and feet to secure them to the pan.
  • Use scalpel to cut along the center and use picker to move skin aside.
  • Use scissors to make incisions in muscle along the center, across the top from left to right of neck and lower abdomen.
  • Lift the muscles using the picker to reveal the internal organs.

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External Anatomy

  • Both have a head, abdomen, 2 eyes, 4 legs
  • Adult frog has no tail, rat has a tail. Frog has wet skin, rat is covered in fur. Frog has no external ears, rat has external ears.
  • Both have fingers, but only rat has claws.
  • Rat has teeth and wiskers

External Anatomy


Digestive system

  • Both have an esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, liver
  • Frog has a cloaca, a cavity at the end of digestive tract. Rat has an anus.
  • Frog liver has 3 lobes, rat liver has 4 lobes.
  • Rat has caecum, a dead-end pouch where the small intestine joins the large intestine.

Digestive system

digestive system

Respiratory system

  • Both have a trachea, lungs, nostrils, and function of the respiratory system in both these animals is to supply the body with oxygen rich blood.
  • Frogs have a moist skin though which diffusion occurs.
  • Rat has diaphram, frog does not.
  • Frogs have gills in tadpole state

respiratory system

respiratory system

cardiovascular system

  • Both have 2 atria, 2 exits out of heart (1 going to the lungs and 1 going to the body), and a closed circulatory system.
  • Frog has a 3 chambered heart, rat has a 4 chambered heart
  • Frog heart has 1 ventricle, rat heart has 2 ventricles
  • Blood vessels in frog are more visible through skin because it's ectothermic

cardiovascular system

cardiovascular system

Muscular System

  • Both have muscles attached to their skeletons
  • Frogs have stronger hind legs for leaping, and a strong jaw to clamp down on food
  • Rat muscles work in groups moving together like human muscles, are very flexible, and they have 4 feet for fast movement to escape predators. When they move they expand their bones.

muscular system





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