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Animals of the taiga

Published on May 07, 2019

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Animals of the taiga

  • moose
  • bear
  • raindeer
  • fox
  • lynx
Photo by frostnip907

Uncommon animals of the taiga
Mink are small,Skinny,carnivorous
animals that feed on rabbits ,squirrels and mice. Mink are preyed on by wolves and coyotes

Photo by kcolwell

The lynx is a carnivorous cat that is a predator
of many animals like
mink, rabbits,deer,snakes etc

Photo by Klaus Lechten

insects of the taiga

  • aphids. birch leaf miner bronze birch borer bruce span worm
Photo by Jairo Alzate

Bruce Span worm
the Bruce span worm is a pest to most forests that eats the leavs off of trees

Photo by Jairo Alzate