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Anne Hutchinson

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by kevin dooley


  • 1591-1643
  • received an education in theology and conscientious dissent
  • married the merchant William Hutchinson in 1612
  • Mother of 15
  • followed Puritan leader John Cotton to the Massachusetts Bay Colony

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  • 1584-1652
  • leading Puritan clergyman in New England
  • Migrated to Massachusetts Bay Colonly
  • distanced himself from Anne Hutchinson during controversy
  • Avoided charges of heresy

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  • Puritans fled to America in search of religious liberty
  • Wanted to create a religious and civil society based on their beliefs
  • "antinomian" means "one who is against the law"
  • revolved around the question of sanctification
  • Puritans believed in predestination

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  • held devotional meetings to discuss Cotton’s sermons at her home
  • Drew as many as 60 people at times
  • her supporters composed a significant faction in the colony
  • redemption is God’s gift to his elect and could not be earned by human effort

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  • Hutchinson and her brother-in-law took their spirituality to an extreme
  • Hutchinson and her supporters were banished
  • November 1637
  • March 1638
  • result of her trial by the Church of Boston was excommunication

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  • Hutchinsons went to Aquidneck in Narragansett Bay
  • 1642 William Hutchinson died
  • Hutchinson the six youngest children moved to New York
  • all but one daughter were killed in an Indian raid in 1643


  • Her leadership is key to understanding the role of premodern women in religious life
  • her claim to immediate revelation was threatening to the advocates of law
  • Hutchinson’s prophetic stress on the indwelling Holy Spirit