"anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disorder charcterized by abnormal eating behavior,severe self-induced weight loss , and psychiatric comorbidities
anorexia is also an emotional disorder that focuses on food, but researchers believe it is an attempt to deal with perfectionism" (Anorexia Nervosa University of Maryland)
"When your body doesn't get fuel it needs to function normally, it goes into starvation mode which slows down to conserve energy. Essentially, your body begins to consume itself. If self-starvation continues and more body fat is lost, medical complications pile up and your body and mind pay the price." (Anorexia Nervosa signs, symptoms..)
"Pregnancy: higher rates of infertility, spontaneous abortion, risk of low birth weight babies and birth defects, risk of medical complications, risk of relapse triggered by stress of pregnancy or parenthood
"1. Not about weight or food- at least not at its core
eating disorder is much more complex
the food and weight-related issues are symptoms of something deeper: depression, loneliness, insecurity, pressure to be perfect. Things that no amount of dieting or weight loss can cure
example- that following restrictive food rules make you feel safe and powerful. When taking the coping mechanism away, you will be confronted with feelings of fear and helplessness your anorexia helped you avoid
get back to a healthier weight, start eating more, change the way you think about yourself and food, get back in touch with your body, get rid of your scale, consider a nutritionist" (Anorexia Nervosa signs,symptoms...)