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Anti-drug use message

Published on Oct 01, 2018

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Anti-drug use message

BY:Dihini Perea 
Photo by rawpixel

Why do teens use drugs?

  • Influenced by others
  • Popular media
  • Unhappiness
  • Lack of confidence
  • Boredom
Photo by DLSimaging


  • Many people feel inflienced or get pressured by others do drugs. But you can say NO! Dont feel afraid to say no to drugs, you can even laugh your way out of it or say "another time" just to get out of it.

Popular media

  • Media tends to depict doing drugs as something that is cool. Just know that there is more to it than looks. Drugs may look cool but the damage than comes to you from using them are not cool.


  • Many people turn to drugs to find a way of happiness. You might feel happy for a moment but the things that drugs leave you with like health problems will leave you unhappy forever. There are many other ways to find happiness like talking to trusted ones or finding new hobbies.
Photo by lorenkerns

Lack of Confidence

  • Many people also take drugs like steiroids to get an ideal body. But even if you get a specific part of you that you like you can ruin the rest of you. Steiroids can cause hair loss and skin problems. Instead you should make a goal and stick with it to achieve it and never give up!


  • Some people may just do drugs because they are bored. Doing drugs for no reason and in general doesn't make life funner but more worisome with all the medical conditions that come with it. Instead try new hobbies like writing and making new friends.
Photo by Rennett Stowe