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Anti-Drugs Meeting

Published on Apr 07, 2022

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Anti-Drugs Meeting

Brought to you by Alex Vongsavanh

Why Do Teens Do Drugs?

  • To Escape
  • Peer Pressure
  • Performance Improvement
  • Experimation
  • Grieving After A loss One

Why Drugs Are BAD

  • 1. Doings drugs isn't the only way to help with stress, you could do a hobby instead. Drugs rewrite your brain to do harsh things.
  • 2. Peer pressure happens to everyone, you should walk away to avoid drug use. Drugs can give you headaches and body aches, is the pain the cost?

Why Drugs Are BAD 2

  • 3. Using drugs to simulate yourself so you could do better at sports or an activity is bad because It can cause diseases like cancer.
  • Experimenting with drugs is an bad idea because drugs can cause mood changes for the worse of you.

Why Are Drugs BAD 3

  • After losing a loved one, you feel sad and depressed so you resort to drugs. Drugs can cause relationships to be broken or lost.