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Antibiotics Resistant

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Anthony Telford           Addison Gorce 
Photo by enggul

opening statement

  • Antibiotic's prevent bacterial cells from multiplying,Allowing the host to fight and control the amount of bacteria by using 2 line of defense also known as a process called phagocytes, but as a society and a group we use Antibiotics to much so much that most of time we don't even use it for life saving purposes.
Photo by somegeekintn

Humans v.s Antibiotics

Discovery and Resistance

  • Penicillan 1943/ 1945 (2 years)
  • Vancomycin 1972/ 1988 (16 years)
  • Imipenem 1985/ 1998 (13 years)
  • Daptomycin 2003/ 2004 (1 year)

The review on anitmicrobial resistance

Alexander Fleming

  • The thoughtless person playing with penicillin treatment is morally responsible for the death of the man who succumbs to infection with the penicillin - resistant organism. I hope this evil can be averted.

Closing Stement/Solution

  • Make Agricultural stop feeding antibiotics in the food we eat.
  • Test to find out who is immune to what antibiotic.
  • Stop insisting we get antibiotics everytime we don't feel good.

Works Cited page

  • Talks, Ted. "The Coming Crisis in Antibiotics." Ramanan Laxminarayan:. Ted.com, Sept. 2014. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.
  • Talks, Ted. "What Do We Do When Antibiotics Don't Work Any More?" Maryn McKenna:. Ted.com, Mar. 2015. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.
  • Online, Mircobiology. "Antibiotics." Microbiology Online. MicrobiologyOnline.com, 2016. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.