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Antient Rome

Published on Nov 24, 2016

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Antient Rome

by: Samantha Navarrete Aguilar
Photo by Valentina_A

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Money and Wealth

  • Money consisted of gold, silver, brass and copper coinage.
  • Much of the buisness was relied on trade.
  • Antient rome was poor in wealth.


  • Was the largest amphitheater in the roman world.
  • Was a freestanding structure made of concrete and stone.
  • Has beed the site of celebrations, sporting events and bloodshed.
  • Designed to seat close to 75,000 people.
  • The most common games were the hunts and the gladiatorial, they would generaly be slaves, criminals and prisonars of war.


  • Most romans drank water and wine and live mainly off vegtables and bread.
  • A typical meal would have been something like barley soup followed by bread soaked in milk and fried in oil, served with honey on top as dessert.
  • Male slaves served the dinner and people ate off from plates, usually using their fingers.
  • Lots of emperors declared it ilegal to cook in apartments.


  • Free roman men wore a toga and was easily seen to be wealthy.
  • The tunic was worn by common people.
  • The rings were the only piece of jewely worn by men.
  • Fabric was made of wool, silk, and cotton.
  • Ancient roman woman love ornate neckleses, pins, earings, braclets. Pearl were there favorites.

Roman gods and Goddesses

  • The romans worshiped a main pantheon of 12 gods
  • Roman religion was not based on scriptures
  • For ordinary romans, religion was part of their daily lives.
  • No holy books were ever recovered, they were all burnt.


  • Roman music was largely based on Greek music
  • In roman military instruments were used to give commands such as the tuba and the cornu
  • Music was used in the amphitheaters between fights and in the ondea