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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Antigone By: Sophocles

By: Adam Sesher
Photo by ninahale

"SENTRY: Well, then; The dead man––– Polyneices–– out there–– someone, –– new dust on the slimy flesh! Someone has given it burial that way, and Gone … " This is an action against the king for he declared that the body was in no way to be given a burial, lest the be stoned to death in the public square.

Photo by publicenergy

"CREON: And you, Antigone, You with your head hanging––do you confess this thing? ANTIGONE: I do. I deny nothing. CREON: [To SENTRY:] You may go {Exit SENTRY. To ANTIGONE:] Tell me, tell me briefly: Had you heard my proclamation touching this matter? ANTIGONE: it was public. Could I help hearing it? CREON: And yet you dared defy the law. ANTIGONE: I dared." Antigone outright admits that she buried Polyneices and that her sister had no part in it.

Photo by antmoose

"HAIMON: [Boyishly earnest.] Father: Reason is God’s crowing gift to man, and you are right To warn me against losing mine. I cannot say–– I hope that I shall never want to say! ––that you Have reasoned badly. Yet there are other men Who can reason, too; and their opinions might be helpful. You are not in a position to know everything That people say or do, or what they feel: Your temper terrifies them– everyone
Will tell you only what you like to hear. But I, at any rate, can listen; and I have heard them Muttering and whispering in the dark abut this girl. They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, Died so shameful a death for a generous act: “She covered her brother’s body. Is this indecent? She kept him from dogs and vultures. Is this a crime? Death? ––She should have all the honor that we can give her!”
This is the way they talk out there in the city. You must believe me: Nothing is closer to me than your happiness. What could be closer? Must not any son
Value his father’s fortune as his father does his? I beg you, do not be unchangeable: Do not believe that you alone can be right. The man who thinks that,
The man who maintains that only he has the power

To reason correctly, the gift to speak, to soul––

A man like that, when you know him, turns out empty. It is not reason never to yield to reason!" Haion tries to talk his father out of punishing Antigone for doing what she had every right to do.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

"CREON: If dirges and planned lamentations could put of death, Men would be singing for ever. [To the SERVANTS:] Take her, go! You know your orders: take her to the vault And leave her alone there. And if she lives or dies, That’s her affair, not ours: our hands are clean." Instead of killing her Creon forces her into a cave to live out the rest of her life instead of killing her in an attempt to keep his hands clean.

Photo by i k o

"She had made a noose of her fine linen veil
And hanged herself....Desperate against himself , drove it half its length Into his own side, and fell. And as he died He gathered Antigone close in his arms again. Choking, his blood bright red on her white cheek. And now he lies dead with the dead, and she is his At last, his bride in the houses of the dead....She stood before the altar, and her heart
Welcome the knife her own hand guided.
And a great cry burst from her lips for Megareus dead, And for Haimon dead, her sons; and her last breath Was a curse for their father, the murdered of her sons. And she fell, and the dark flowed in through her closing eyes." Antigone hangs herself as to not go into the cave Haimon kills himself as he cannot live without Antigone in his life with him. The queen kills herself for all of her sons are dead at the fault of Creon, their father.

Photo by One lucky guy