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AOW 3.2.20

Published on Mar 03, 2020

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AOW 3.2.20

Burger King Ad Campaign

Considerations for Discussion

  • While risky to showcase your food as it rots over 34 days, what positive message is Burger King trying to communicate to its customers?
  • Is it effective to use furry blue-gray mold on one of your best selling items to communicate this new policy? Support your position.

Considerations for discussion

  • Removing artificial preservatives requires new recipes and food supply chains- what other restaurants are also reducing and eliminating artificial ingredients?
  • What's the primary reason they are making this move?
Photo by vixyao

Considerations for Discussion

  • How does the FDA define "natural" foods?
  • Explain this statement from the article," The changes are more about public relations than public health."
Photo by petra cigale

Considerations for Discussion

  • "Sugar and salt actually cause more health problems than many chemicals with "unfamiliar names." This is an example of which type of irony?
Photo by nillamaria