AP Interwar Politics and Economics

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Interwar Europe

Political and Economic Trends

Treaty of Versailles

Former Empires and Eastern Europe

Mandate System

League of Nations - Administered by England and France

Successor States

New Countries Formed Out of Old Empires

New States

  • Carved out of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Bulgaria
  • Recognized ethnic minorities
  • Principle of Self-Determination
  • 14 National Currencies in 1914 - 27 by 1919

Eastern Europe

  • Industry and Transportation destroyed by war
  • Ethnic Tensions
  • Poland and Hungary - failed democracies
  • Austria - occupied by Nazi Germany
  • Czechoslovakia - only successful democracy

Southeastern Europe

  • Yugoslavia - multi-ethnic state dominated by Serbia
  • Greece, Macedonia, Albania - consumed with military coups and royal dictatorships

Economic Instability

Extremism, Inflation, and Tariffs


  • Abolish the state and capitalist system
  • Transfer ownership and governance to organized units of workers
  • General Strikes as main strategy


  • Society organized into corporations by type of economic production
  • Eliminated competition between firms in favor of state controlled monopolies


Printing Money to Pay War Debts - Devalued Currency

Trade Barriers

Tariffs to protect domestic agriculture

Weimar Germany

A Case Study for Fragile Democracy

Weimar Republic

  • Formed in the crisis of the end of WWI
  • Dominated by Social Democratic Party
  • Criticized for signing the Treaty of Versailles and paying reparations
  • Officer Corp not loyal to the government

Challenges from the Right

  • Motivated by weak German state and hyper-inflation
  • Kapp Putsch, 1920
  • French Occupation of the Ruhr, 1923
  • Beer Hall Putsch, 1923

The Golden Twenties

Social Democracy and the Arts

Rise of Nazi Party

Depression, Deflation, End of Social Democratic Majority

England and France

  • England: New Labour Party, strikes, weakening of empire in Ireland and India
  • France: 27 different cabinets, Little Entente, new alliances to replace Russia
  • Both looked for quick repayment of reparations

David Tucker

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