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Published on Apr 26, 2016

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By Nathanael

Land Forms

  • The Appalachians haves a lot of mountains.
  • Mount Mitchell:highest point 6,684ft{2,037m}.
  • The ancient Appalachian Mountains form the backbone of this region. These worn, plateau-like flat-topped mountains, many with summits over 900 metres,
Photo by Kolin Toney

compose the most spectacular, accessible mountain scenery in Canada east of the Rockies. The peaks are barren and covered with broken shale. Mount Jacques Cartier is the highest, at 1320 metres. Rivers have cut deep gorges through these ranges, widened during the most recent glaciation into

Photo by blmiers2

magnificent U-shaped valleys. At the tip of the Gaspé Peninsula, the mountains meet the sea in a series of spectacular multi-hued cliffs and plunging headlands.

Photo by blmiers2


  • The Appalachian climate is affected by two ocean currents. The Labrador currents bring cold water south from the Arctic and causes freezing during the winter months in northern parts of the region. The Gulf Stream brings warm water north from the Caribbean and along the coast of North America before it runs east, crossing the Atlantic ocean to Europe.
Photo by davedehetre

The meeting of the gulf stream and the labrador current also provide a great breeding ground for fish by encouraging the growth of plankton. The nothern part of the region has an Arctic Climate, with extremely long, cold, winters and short, cool summer's.

Photo by Peter Rivera

Natural Resources

  • Forests, water and soil.The appalachians region is rich in coal and fish. Zinc Lead, potash, salt asbesto,copper and gold are mined in the Appalachians region. Cod salmon pollock,halibut,redfish, herring,swordfish, sole flounder haddock, clams, oysters, scallops and lobsters are harvested in the appalachians.
Photo by kevin dooley

Destroying Natural Resources ,Mining-Mountain

  • The appalachian region is home to one of the oldest and most biologically diverse mountain systems on the continent. Tragically mountaintop removal mining has already destroyed more then 500 mountains encompassing more than one million acres of the appalachians.
Photo by magnusvk

Destroying Natural Resources, Fishing

  • Overfishing is a form of overexploitation where fish stocks are reduced to below acceptable levels. Overfishing can occur in water bodies of any sizes,such as ponds,rivers, lakes or oceans.

How to protect mountains

  • We can stop destroying the mountains by mining in certain places.

How to protect overfishing

  • Not to fish a lot.
  • You would need a licence to fish.
  • And you can fish in certain places and certain seasons.

Did you know

  • Location: North America
Photo by Leo Reynolds

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