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Approaches to Infusing SEL

Published on Oct 10, 2017

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Approaches to Infusing SEL

Infuse SEL into your everyday teaching practices.

Focus on how students can better collaborate or communicate with one another during projects.
Photo by Climate KIC

Incorporate SEL into the curriculum.

When discussing conflict and cooperation in history, self-awareness in literature, or problem-solving in mathematics, ask the students to relate the process to a situation in their own lives.
Photo by albertogp123

Adjust the schedule

to allow for a free-standing SEL lesson.
Most common forms of this approach include a morning meeting, a weekly meeting, or an advisory period where teachers facilitate a lesson on a social emotion learning competency.

Create policies and procedures that support SEL.

Consider implementing mindfulness, meditation, or quiet time in the classroom instead of detention. Discuss why a student responded inappropriately and employ restorative justice practices or introduce peer mediation and peer mentoring.