Lynx have a short tail, characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow and long whiskers on the face.
They lived in Europe and Africa during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene.
he head of the cat is round and the ears are erect. Its powerful forequarters, neck, and jaw serve to grasp and hold large prey. It has five retractable claws on its forepaws and four on its hind paws.
It lives in in Spanish or Portuguese. The cat has many local or regional names in the United States and Canada.
Close examination of the color of these black cats will show that the typical markings are still present, but are hidden by the excess black pigment melanin, giving an effect similar to that of printed silk.
Lions are the only members of the cat family to display obvious sexual dimorphism – that is, males and females look distinctly different. The underparts are generally lighter and the tail tuft is black. Lion cubs are born with brown rosettes (spots) on their body, rather like those of a leopard.
They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.
It's pelage is dense and heavy; colouration varies between shades of orange and brown with white ventral areas and distinctive vertical black stripes, whose patterns are unique to each individual.
Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia