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Aquatic Ecosystems

Published on Jan 06, 2016

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Aquatic Ecosystems

by Molly Nerici
Photo by Phil's 1stPix

Freshwater Ecosystems

Rivers, Streams, Lakes, and Ponds
Photo by Teknorat

Rivers and Streams - Animal

  • they adapt to strong current
  • hooks/suckers to help cling to rocks
  • streamlined bodies (trout)
Photo by skoeber

Rivers and Streams - Plants

  • take root among the pebbles on the bottom
  • few plants and algae can grow in strong current
Photo by Werner Kunz

Ponds and Lakes - Animal

  • adapt to still water
  • scavenger live on bottom
  • decomposers feed on dead organism remains
Photo by blavandmaster

Ponds and Lakes - Plants

  • shallow water- sunlight reaches bottom (ponds)
  • plants can grow (ponds)
  • floating plants and algae

Marine Ecosystems

Estuary, Intertidal Zone, Neretic Zone, Surface Zone, Deep Ocean Zone
Photo by Phil's 1stPix


  • fresh water of river meets salt water of ocean
  • plants - provide shelter and food for animals 
  • animals - use the calm waters for breeding grounds.

Intertidal Zone - Animal

  • must survive pounding waves, water levels, and temperature
  • cling onto rocks/burrow into sand

Intertidal Zone - Plants

  • almost same as animals
  • surviving water levels, waves, and temperature.
  • also clings onto rocks
Photo by Thragor

Neritic Zone - Animals

  • there are many living things
  • mostly feeds on algae
  • has homes in coral reefs

Neritic Zone - Plants

  • photosynthesis can occur
  • many different plants
  • algae is the main producer
  • coral reefs can form and provide homes to animals

Surface Zone - Animals

  • most animals depend on algae to live (food)
  • can only happen few hundred meters under the surface of the ocean
Photo by jacilluch

Surface Zone - Plants

  • algae carries carries out photosynthesis
  • mostly depended on for food - algae

Deep Zone - Animals

  • animals eat remains of dead organisms 
Photo by SFB579 :)

Deep Zone - Plants

  • there are no plants/algae