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Aquatic Ecosystems

Published on Dec 03, 2015

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Aquatic Ecosystems

By. Justin Luke
Photo by Thomas Hawk

Freshwater Ecosystem

Streams, Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds
Photo by blmiers2

Streams and Rivers
- Plant adaptations are hooks or suckers, to be able to deal with less oxygen in the water, and to be able to take root in pebbles.

Photo by Skinned Mink

Streams and Rivers
- Animal adaptations are Streamlined bodies, hooks, and bodies that can deal with cold water.

Photo by Matlock-Photo

Ponds and Lakes
- Plant adaptations are being able to float or grow in still water.

Ponds and Lakes
- Animal adaptations are being able to live in still water, and being able to catch food in the open water.

Photo by PeterThoeny


This is where fresh and saltwater meet

-Plant adaptations are

Mosses and grasses have to be able to adapt to both fresh and saltwater.

Photo by naikalieva

Animal adaptations are they have to be able to breath in both salt and fresh water. animals also have to find shelter in mosses and grasses.

Salt water ecosystem

Intertidal Zone, Neritic Zone, Surface Zone, Deep Zone

Intertidal Zone
- Plants adaptations are their roots burrow deep in the sand or sediment.

Photo by erikadotnet

Intertidal Zone
- Animal adaptations are they cling to rocks because of the strong pounding waves,also the burrow into the sand or rocks.

Photo by arturry

Neritic Zone
- Plant adaptations are they have to be able to survive in warm water, and grow with little space since photosynthesis provides a lot of life.

Photo by Raven_Denmark

Neritic Zone
- Fish swim in large schools for protection, fish also have to adapt to feeding on alge.

Photo by jjjj56cp

Surface Zone
- Plant adaptations are alge carries out photosynthesis.

Photo by westschweden

Surface Zone
- Fish such as tuna, swordfish, and whales feed on alge in large schools.

Deep Zone
- Plants are almost non-existant due to it being so deep in the ocean and there being almost no light

Deep Zone
- Animals have to adapt to the water being very dark and some animals even have glow in the dark bodies or eyes to help see. Also, animals have to feed of the remains of dead animals since it is hard to see other animals to feed off of.

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