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Published on Jan 02, 2016

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John Medina

Arapaho men are hunters and they're also warriors.

Arapaho Woman

  • Not responsible for depending nor feeding her family
  • Responsible carrying heavy things whenever they're moving
  • In charge at home however only men can be Chiefs.

General Information

  • They join Cheyenne after separating into two groups
  • Ghost dance was popular while Sun dance was their greatest.
  • Arapaho used dogs so that they can go place to place
  • They like making Beadwork for their tribe.


  • Their house is made from buffalo skins but when house came,their house was even bigger
Photo by Naccarato

Arapaho Children
Arapaho kids can help their mother or go with their father.
They want help around the house even though they can play with each other.

Daily Life

  • Men have to be hunters in order to survive
  • Arapaho has not yet decided if woman can be Chiefs
  • Story telling was so important if something happens.
Photo by Thiophene_Guy