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Arapaho Indians

Published on Dec 05, 2015

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Arapaho Indians

by Austin Kielpinski 6th Hail
Photo by im me

Daily Life

  • Men are hunters and warriors
  • Women are cooks and house builders
  • Children did many chores and played games and sports
Photo by mharrsch


  • Precolonization was 80,000 or more
  • Current is 15,000
Photo by USDAgov


  • Originally in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebaraska, and Kansas
  • Now they live in Oklahoma and Wyoming
  • They lived on the Great Plains and Mountainous regions
Photo by earlycj5


  • Northern Arapaho live withe Shoshone in Wyoming
  • Soutern Arapaho live with the Cheyenne
Photo by .aditya.


  • Early Arapaho plant corn and hunt nearby animals
  • Arapaho with horses followed the buffalo and eat wild fruits and vegetables
Photo by Jer Kunz


  • Tepees
  • Made from buffalo hides and wood posts
  • 12-24 feet high
  • Man lives with his wives and children
  • Summer is with tribe winter with smaller bands
Photo by Jeffrey Beall

Transportation and Clothes

  • Used a dog travois and horses
  • Women wore split skirts and mantles
  • Men wore leggings
Photo by jdww

Spiritual Belief

  • Gods are the Creator and Pipe Keeper
  • Tradition are the Sun Dance and Flat Pipe Ritual
  • When entering adulthood boys become Kit Foxes and Stars
  • Girls stayed only with old women and learned the way of life as a woman
Photo by Marion Doss

Enemies and Allies

  • The Cheyenne and Lakota are allies
  • Fought against the Utes, Pawnees, Souix, Kiowa, and Comanche