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Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Ash March, Class of 2019
Photo by szeke

Daily Tasks

go on archeological digs, clean,preserve and inspect ancient artifacts. 

Work Conditions

Archeologists work indoors researching artifacts and cleaning them, they also work in the field at digs at ancient sites
Photo by Kaptah

More Daily tasks

Archeologists usually work at home unless they are called to a dig or are a professor at a school.
Photo by Arian Zwegers

Career Cluster/Pathway

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Photo by liber

Education/ program of study

Requires a Master's degree at a four year college, must take an archeology major.

Institutions for Education

Stanford University 5.7% acceptance rate,$45,195  tuition, enrollment 18,346

More Institutions fo Education

Yale University 7.1% acceptance rate, enrollment 12,109, tuition $45,800

Institutions for Education Cont...

Harvard University, 5.95%acceptance rate, 6,700 enrollment, tuition $45,278
Photo by Yokado

Income Potential: Average Annual Wage $62,060
Entry Annual Wage $37,020
Experienced Annual Wage $92,650
Average Hourly Wage $29.83
Entry Hourly Wage $17.80
Experienced Hourly Wage $44.54
Median Hourly Wage $28.53

Photo by Great Beyond

Income Potential

National Outlook 10.8% State Outlook 19.4%

Reality Check

High School Preparations.

There are no Mesa Pathways or specific classes I can take, I must pursue advanced  science and history classes

Works Cited