Colorless, odorless, tasteless
when placed in electric current it exhibits a lilac glow
Supernova remnant, 50k light years from earth
Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay
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- Density: 0.0017837 G/CCM
- Atomic radius: 71 pm
- Current Cost: 50 cents/100 gs
- Common isotopes: 36Ar, 38Ar, 40Ar
Used when an inert atmosphere is needed. Used in production of titanium and other reactive elements. It is used by welders to protect the weld area and in incandescent light bulbs to stop oxygen from corroding the filament.
Used in fluorescent tubes and low-energy light bulbs. A low-energy light bulb often contains argon gas and mercury. When it is switched on an electric discharge passes through the gas, generating UV light. The coating on the inside surface of the bulb is activated by the UV light and it glows brightly.
Chemical properties:
Chemically inactive
argon fluorohydride (HArF), discovered in 2000. Does nothing
Physical properties:
Gas at room temperature
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- Melting Point: -308.83°F, 189.35°C, 462.5K
- Boiling Point: -302.5°F, -185.8°C, 458.95K
- Ionization energy: 15.760 eV
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- Makes up 0.93% of Earth's atmosphere
- Third most abundment gas
- obtained from the air as a byproduct of the production of oxygen and nitrogen.
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- Electron configuration: Ne 3s2 3p6
- Electronegativity: 3.2