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Argument Writing

Published on Nov 24, 2015

A presentation for parents of 7th grades - CCSS


Argument Writing

What will my child learn this year?
Photo by theqspeaks

The Standard

Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
Photo by ChrisGoldNY

How is this different from 6th grade

  • Opposing positions are also included
  • Credible sources mud also be ACCURATE

How will this skill further develop in 8th grade?

  • Reasons and evidence need to logical not just present
  • Credible sources need to demonstrate understanding of the topic

How will this skill further develop in 8th grade?

  • Reasons and evidence need to logical not just present
  • Credible sources need to demonstrate understanding of the topic
Photo by ATiwolf

So what is Argument writing?

Only ever heard of persuasive?

Argument Writing

  • A claim supported by evidence
  • A logical way of demonstrating a position
  • Used to change the reader's point of view
Photo by Rusty Sheriff

In Persuasion the writer...

  • Attempts to convince the reader to accept a thesis as truth
  • Appeals to the credibility, character or authority of the writer
  • Is grounded more in feeling than fact
  • Requires the listener to take some action 

In argument, the writer...

  • Attempts to convince the reader to accept a claim as the truth
  • Focuses on evidence
  • Is grounded in facts, data, and logic
  • Requires critical reading of texts
  • Addresses counterclaims fairly in order to present a complete argument
Photo by thebarrowboy

The Activities

What will your child do?

To develop argument writing skills, we will

  • Read and discuss arguments written by others
  • Use highlighter to locate claims, counter claims and evidence
  • Investigate arguments within charts/graphs, videos, pictures, and poems
  • Use mentor texts to mimic a writer's craft and develop claim statement
  • Develop counter claims


Check these out view an argument and sample tasks