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Arizona Bark Scorpion

Published on Apr 01, 2016

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Arizona Bark Scorpion

By: Benjamin Abbas
Photo by Manrus

An adult male bark scorpion can only be as big as eight centimeters. Females are a bit smaller than males at only seven centimeters long. They are light brown and live in the Sonoran Desert.

Photo by M Hedin

Some scorpions glow in a certain light like the bark scorpion.

Photo by Furryscaly

Unlike most other scorpions, bark scorpions sometimes live in groups. They eat roaches, beetles, and crickets.

Photo by Dolor Ipsum

Bark scorpions ambush their prey. They are thought to be one of the most dangerous scorpions in the world.

Photo by stevenw12339

Many people who have been stung say they felt some form of "electrical current" when they were stung.

Photo by M Hedin

They are light brown in color so they blend in with their surroundings.

Photo by stevenw12339

You may think that bark scorpions aren't helpful but they really are. They help keep the roach population down so it's not so big.

Photo by wlberka