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Art And Life

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Art began as a part of ritual life, then functioned as spiritual technology. Now it's a hedge against inflation and an investment. But it was always there to inspire . . .


Art and Life

Photo by Rana Usman

Untitled Slide

Photo by Ballacorkish

Untitled Slide

Photo by quinet

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Photo by Ryan Somma

Untitled Slide

Photo by Ryan Somma

Spiritual Technology

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity

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Untitled Slide

Photo by /\ \/\/ /\

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Untitled Slide

Photo by HKmPUA

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Photo by wht_wolf9653

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Untitled Slide

Photo by vgm8383

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Photo by peterjr1961

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Untitled Slide

Photo by catface3

Untitled Slide

Photo by catface3

Untitled Slide

"That art is greatest which conveys . . . the greatest number of the greatest ideas." -- John Ruskin

Art requires the long look.

"Art is a lie
that tells us the truth."

Photo by ombrelle

Vincent van Gogh

$700 million - 7 paintings
Photo by FrenchKheldar

Paul Cezanne

$268 million - April 2012
Photo by Cea.

Life without Mozart

Photo by khedmati

Imagine your life without art.

What would change?

Learn Up!

A Visual Communication From
Photo by i k o