Untitled Slide
This is art I had made for mind up. This art piece was basically just based off the idea of creating happy names with happy colours to match the name! As you can see I've made, or at least tried, to make as many happy colour mixtures, as well as happy names to go with the happy colours! I mainly tried to use bright colours, or at least colours that aren't dark. The colours I used were red, orange, a couple different yellows, a couple different greens, turquoise, a sky blue and regular blue, purple (violet), pink, and magenta. I don't remember if I used any more colours, but I'm pretty sure I got all of them down. I found this project quite fun, because I was able to experiment with the colours and mix them, which I found fun. This project was for mind up, but I decided to include it in art because of the idea around it. It related to art so that's why I decided to put in my portfolio. I really like this though!