FESTIVALS Artemisia- (June 6th) Elaphebolia- (March-April) Mounykhia- (April-May) Philokhoria- (On the summer solstice) Thargelia- (6-7 of April and May) 6th of every month is sacred day
Parents- Zeus and Leto Siblings- Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Perseus, Minos, The Muses and the Graces Children- None
Strengths Cont. Her independence and free spirit is not appreciated by any and all of the goddesses. Aphrodite has no control over her, as she is not interested in love at all. Hera also is forced to confront her when she sides with the Trojans during the Trojan war.
In today's society Artemis's name is still used, though not often unless in school when learning of the mythology. Though she is still worshipped on the summer solstice when both her and Apollo have a birthday
Niobe boasted that she was better then Leto because of how many children she had. Apollo and Artemis avenged the insult against their mother by killing most if not all of Noibe's children with their arrows
The best way to honor Artemis is by taking care of the natural world