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Artificial Leaf

Published on Jun 05, 2017

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Artificial Leaf

A big leap for Sustainable Energy
Photo by xalphas


Current solar technology is not as efficient as the burning of fossil fuels which release Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere

Photo by kentownsell

As someone who is interested in renewable energy and preserving our planet for future generations, finding a solution to this problem is key.

Photo by La Cinnamon

A new system for making a clean liquid fuel from sunlight, water, and air would be promising step forward for renewable technology.

Water splitting–biosynthetic system (ARTIFICIAL LEAF)

Water splitting-biosynthetic system aka Artificial Leaf

(Picture shown)

What is it?

An artificial photosynthetic system that can store solar energy and chemically reduce Carbon Dioxide.

Similar to solar panels but with a much higher efficiency and the capability to store sunlight as chemical potential energy.

How it works

Mimics photosynthesis by using a biocompatible Earth-abundant inorganic catalyst system to split water into molecular hydrogen and oxygen.

Photo by vitroid

The Artificial Leaf can use pure carbon dioxide in gas form, or carbon dioxide captured from the air—which means it could be carbon-neutral, introducing no additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

100% green.
Photo by Vermin Inc