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Welcome everyone

Review date we met last.


Talk about how we are going to review what our goals were and where we stand now.
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ASD Steering Committee Update

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Scott...After you presented this at the last NTI meeting, I used it to create a presentation for a meeting I was co-chairing this week. It went over very well. Thanks! Rebecca


Autism Steering Committee Update

Spring 2015
Welcome everyone

Review date we met last.


Talk about how we are going to review what our goals were and where we stand now.
Photo by ecstaticist

Belief Statement:
Lakeview Public Schools, along with our families, is committed to supporting individual academic, social and emotional goals of each ASD student.

Remind everyone of the belief statement we created last year.

Total Number of Lakeview Students Identified with ASD

Number of students identified with ASD broken down per buildinging.

Next year we will be sending a team to the intensive early childhood module from START

It will include 6 days of training throughout the 2015-16 school year.

3 preschool
20 Elementary
12 Middle school
6 High School

What were our Identified Needs?

  • More training
  • Building our Peer-2-Peer Programing
  • ASD support team concept
  • Use of Meeting Mechanics
Talk about what our identified areas were last year and what we tried to focus on.

Our Principals were trained by Kelly Dunlap from START.

In August the principals from the high school, the middle school and the elementaries met with Kelly Dunlap were trained on some of the core START beliefs.

Behavior is communication and you've seen one child with asd, you've seen one child with asd. All are different and will need something a little different from each other.

Talk about the effect of having all of us who work with the child increase their understanding to create a more cohesive team.

Many of our staff attended START trainings.

High Quality ASD evals training was attended by speech paths, social workers and psychologists

Peer -2- Peer training was attended by elementary and middle/high school social workers, speech paths and psych.

Rebecca and LIsa attended the local LCRN meetings

Rebecca went to the START annual conference and leadership day which focused on working with challenging behaviors, peer-2-peer building, technology supports, creating and using self-management tools.

Paraprofessionals became Independence Faciliators!

We created a binder of resources for our paraprofessionals and gave them 5 trainings over the course of the school year focusing on creating and using visual supports, understanding sensory needs, providing sensory interventions.

Our ASD/CI meetings continued where we reviewed each child on a monthly basis and assessed their strengths and problem solved new ways to manage their behaviors and build indepedence and socialization opportunities.
Photo by audreyjm529

Meeting Mechanics

  • Our ASD Teams implemented the use of Meeting Mechanics to identify student's strengths, areas of concerns and action plans.
Talk about using meeting mechanics to improve follow through on who is to do what and by when.

Finding balance between finding time to meet and create new supports (visuals, social stories, videos, etc.)
Photo by koalazymonkey

Peer 2 Peer programming grew at the elementary level and began at the middle school level.

Peer 2 Peer is an evidenced based practice that proves time and time to again to be a win win for both kids with asd and their typically developing peers.

Our training in Peer 2 Peer this year helped us to move from a "doing for" focus to "doing with" focus. We set student expectations for our students with ASD and used peer models to help teach them what they needed to do.
Photo by St0rmz

Number of Elementary Students with ASD involved in Peer 2 Peer groups

Peer 2 Peer has been going on at the elementary level for a few years now, but tended to focus on the same few individuals.

We increased our scope this year and included kids on all parts of the spectrum, focusing on teaching self awareness and allow opportunities to high functioning ASD students to practice their skills with peers.


Number of JMS ASD and CI students who were invovlved with Peer 2 Peer programming this year.
Peer 2 Peer programing was initiated this year at JMS and a school wide LINKS program was formed. Students were asked to volunteer to help support both students with ASD and CI.

12 students were provided with peer supports throughout their day.
Photo by Yandle

9 out of 13
Number of Students Evaluated for ASD in 2014-15 who qualified for Special Education Services.

Using the "go to the board" method we learned at a START conference for conducting high qualify asd evaluations we conducted 12 new evaluations this year and certified 9 of these students for special education services under autism spectrum disorder.

Discuss importance of all team members collecting data and geting close enough to hear the back and forth of conversation.

Raising Awareness

Encouraging Acceptance
Talk about our focus going into next year of having kids do a presentation about their autism being a part of them and being included in the peer 2 peer meetings to know their goals.

Attending IEP meetings to be self aware of their goals.

Growing LINKS

by building student's awareness and acceptance.
Our plan is to keep our numbers growing giving more opportunities for all kids to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Autism awareness bracelets and necklaces and bookmarks have been distributed to different groups to spread awareness and acceptance.

T-shirts for staff in more buildings and will open to parents and students in 2016.

Want to create t-shirts by level for next year to be part of the START quilt.

Photo by MyTudut

Community Awareness

A new team is walking on June 20th!
Talk about walk we did in October for Autism Speaks.

Next walk/5K will be on June 20th for the Macomb Autism Society a team is forming now.



Connecting home and school goals in

Talk about START's passport and goal of focusing on building independence by using grade level appropriate goals at both home and school.

Collaboration Is key!

More to come in 2015-16
Recognize efforts of all team members to continue to work together in understanding and supporting students with autism.

Thank everyone for coming.