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Photo by Jeff Kubina

you are going to put on
a kid cap...
and experience this as
your students will.

Photo by anniehp

Mission Monday

  • everyone learns the mission challenge for the week
  • Students are split into groups
  • groups create an identity (name, logo, cheer, etc.)
  • class gets vocabulary
  • groups (or class for K-2) fill out the k and w part of a kwl chart

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams
  • Give a Team-building task
  • Establish a team identity
  • mission
  • KWL/vocabulary

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams - You are going to find your _____ workout buddy partner. Then grab another pair. you are a team!

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams
  • Give a team-building task - be the first team to match an animal to a person, where the animal name and the person's first name start with the same letter (Jennie Jellyfish)

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams
  • Give a Team-building task
  • Establish a team identity - Choose one of the animals and come up with one quality of that animal. That will be your team name. (Patient Jellyfish)

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams
  • Give a Team-building task
  • Establish a team identity
  • mission - Your mission is to blow the biggest bubble. To help with mission mondays for EA units, we have letters from the duo

Untitled Slide

Mission Monday Activities

  • Assign Teams
  • Give a Team-building task
  • Establish a team identity
  • mission
  • KWL/vocabulary

What do you know about...

  • bubbles
  • surface tension
  • membrane/film
  • viscosity
  • Surface area
  • symmetrical

What do you want to know about...

  • bubbles
  • surface tension
  • membrane/film
  • viscosity
  • Surface area
  • symmetrical

Teaching vocabulary

  • Activate prior knowledge - What do you know? Picture it in your head...
  • Link the word to a trigger - a song, a picture, a gesture or game
  • Repeat the trigger
  • Use the word every day ("I see your bubble's membrane is...")
Photo by Silicon/e

A bubble has a membrane of fluid. It can expand as much as that fluid can stretch.

Photo by Serge Melki

The stretchiness of the fluid is determined by it's viscosity.

Picture in your mind a single drop of water. As it falls, it is what shape? What happens when it hits?

When you pour water, does it resist changing shape?
Or does it move quickly and take the shape of the vessel?

Bubble fluids are more viscous than water. they are thicker, and resist changing shape.

Photo by Will Montague

As you blow air into bubble fluid, the fluid membrane stretches.

Photo by skippyjon

As it stretches, the surface tension increases.

Photo by Vickysaurus

When there is too much tension on the membrane...what happens?

Photo by garryknight

So, everybody stand up (with a smile). Grab hands with your team. Which team can make the biggest bubble?

Now, Miss Tina is going to do a whole brain lesson with your first STEAM experiment, the penny drop!

Photo by Cyrus II