Ash Friday was the second biggest bushfires after black Saturday. It killed approximately 70 lives and the damage costed over 400 million dollars. 4,540 insurance claims were paid. Lots of people were left emotional and some people said the fires were lit deliberately!
On the day it was a scorching 43 degrees. There were high winds and Victoria hadn't had much rain at all. With this weather Victoria had a very high rating of fire. People also say the fires were caused by the clashing of electric power lines, tree branches connecting with power lines and fires being deliberately lit.
73 lives were lost in the fires.47 in Victoria and 28 in South Australia. Hundreds were burnt or injured. Twelve volunteer firefighters were killed in the fire at Beaconsfield. In Victoria 2000 houses were lost and several hundred more were lost in South Australia.
Obviously people were devastated because many houses were lost and the people of Victoria had lost everything. Although sad spirits were everywhere the people of Victoria were very generous and helped each other out.
Fires can have an impact on animals. Some times animals will become endangered because of great loss of the certain animal. Animals can flee and escape the fire but the fire could catch the animals ending it ugly.
Some long term effects of Ash Wednesday was that lots of people were left with houses and financial problems. Financial problems were common as many people lost the home and things in it. Some were left traumatised and moved houses and lived in areas that were less likely to have bushfires.
It changed Victoria by giving Victoria by giving Victoria a more better understanding of bushfires and the deadly effects.