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Asian Sweatshops

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Asian Sweatshops

Photo by m01229

We've all had a jumbo box of Crayola crayons, right?

Photo by Great Beyond

Or some colored pencils?

Photo by vbecker


Did you ever think of where they were made?

It was most likely made by a person, not a machine.

And that person might have been younger than you.

That person probably works hundreds of hours a week.

Photo by .scribe

And has hours of unpaid over time.

Photo by SalFalko

That person makes only about $1.50 an hour

And works in awful conditons

They can't escape in a fire because the emergency doors are locked

And they can't leave the factory

They are shoved into uncomfortable, hot dorms

Photo by goldberg

The doors of the dorms are unlocked so thieves get in easily

Photo by atomicbeard

The cafeteria is unsanitary; rotten food and rats are all over the floor

Photo by Mark Philpott

They don't have long enough breaks

Photo by RelaxingMusic

They can't report the manager or else they get beaten by the police... or worse

And they can't even quit.

Photo by brianjmatis

So... do you still want to buy those crayons?

Photo by Greencolander

Even after you learned what happens in those corrupted factories?

Honestly, I would stop buying Crayola products manufactured in China.

Thanks for watching!

Photo by vernhart