
Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Formative and Summative Assessment in Physical Education

Formative Assessment is assessment FOR learning.

Theoretical Framework - Five Key Strateges

  • Teachers share learning outcomes and what success looks like for students.
  • Using discussion and other learning tasks so students show understanding.
  • Provide useful feedback to move learners forward.
  • Allow opportunities for students to learn from one another.
  • Students responsible for own learning progress.
  • Adapted from Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 21(1), 5-31. doi:

How can it work in PE?

  • Daily feedback with students about their PE skills progress.
  • Combines self and teacher assessment, and drives the learning agenda.
  • Daily assessment relates to lesson and skill development while keeping an eye on overarching objectives.
  • Teacher needs some insight into a student's mental life to determine if learning has occurred.
  • Question: How do performativity and competence connect with formative assessment?



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Start from the Outcomes
Question: Think of the activity we did on Thursday, how would you assess learning?

Examples of Formative Assessment

  • Daily pedometer challenge
  • Self Tracking Apps
  • Student/teacher discussion
  • Daily Participation - Student and Teacher Assessment
  • Teacher Observation
  • Student led lessons without summative grading
Student led lesson without summative grading
Exit Feedback
Concept Maps
Peer Evaluation
Group Debrief (metacognition)

Summative Assessment

Assessment OF learning

Summative Assessment

  • In a perfect world, the final grade should not be a surprise to the student.
  • May be in the form of a number, letter, rubric, written note, or combination of the above.
  • Question: How can summative assessment ensure future participation?

Recording Final Grades

  • Unit completion - back to objectives you set and student goals. What does successful completion mean to you? What does successful completion look like to your students?
  • Teacher comments
  • Grade book storage and saving
  • Online Reporting (school system specific)
  • What do you do with zeros?

Developing Rubrics

Why Use a Rubric

  • Begins with the outcomes and uses action words.
  • Given to students with assigned task.
  • Shared understanding between teachers and students around task expectations.
  • Student work is compared to the standard rather than compared to other student work.
  • Increases teacher consistency in grading.

Developing Quality Rubrics

  • What is the primary outcome that you want from your learners?
  • Determine criteria that students will display to show learning of outcome.
  • Assign depth of understanding to different grading blocks.
  • Explain rubric to students, and test rubric for clarity and depth of knowledge (Bloom's Taxonomy).

Bloom's Taxonomy

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Alberta Assessment Consortium. (2015). AAC key visual: Assessing student learning in the classroom. Retrieved from

Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 21(1), 5-31. doi:

Cornelius, K. E. (2014). Formative assessment made easy: Templates for collecting daily data in inclusive classrooms. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(2), 112-118. doi:10.1177/0040059914553204

EverActive Schools. (2007). Schools come alive: Assessment for learning in physical education, participant handout. Retrieved from

Fisette, J. L., & Franck, D. M. (05). How teachers can use PE metrics for formative assessment: Formative assessments inform teachers and students of students' progress toward achieving the national standards. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(5), 23; 23.

Lambert, K. (2012). Tools for formative assessment: Techniques to check for understanding. Retrieved from

MacPhail, A., Ann MacPhail, & John Halbert. (02). 'We had to do intelligent thinking during recent PE': Students' and teachers' experiences of assessment for learning in post-primary physical education. Assessment in Education : Principles, Policy & Practice, 17(1), 23; 23.

Astrid Kendrick

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