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Published on Mar 20, 2017

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And how I Let them go
Photo by kugel

1. Everyone knew more than me

Not about knowing more its about knowing different things. My life experience gives a different perspective that is just as valid.

2. I was too junior to have good ideas

Linked to number one. I felt I shouldn't have a voice. That my ideas were somehow not as valid. Took a great manager to show me this wasn't the case.

3. Everything would be patient focused

And sadly its not. A lot is feeding the beast and you have to make peace with that and find the time to do good patient things.

Lady with a pace maker story.....
Photo by Tim Gillin

4. What I was told to do was the right way to do it

That processes in place were the best possible processes.

Example of calling patients and stopping the clock.
Photo by Mesq

5. A "caring organisation" would care about me

I was surprised, and still am, at how little support staff get.

Career wise you are on your own. Get out there, absorb what you can. Network. Build your own personal board. Succeed.
Photo by hien_it

What assumptions are you holding onto?