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Assyrian empire

Published on Mar 20, 2016

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Assyrian empire


Once there was a girl named Amirah. Amirah loved her life in the Assyrian empire she loves her friends, family, and the view is very beautiful. Amirah's mom helped dig canals to irrigate their land and keep it fertile.

The Sargon of Akkad invaded their land to the north. All families had to take shelter.

Photo by England

Amirah did not know what to do and what was coming. But she did know it was bad.

Photo by Anna & Michal

Today was the happiest day of Amirah's life. The kingdom of Hurrian kingdom collapsed . The Assyrian governor began to call himself king and that's how it became.

Years past and the Assyrian kingdom never fell.

Photo by Pigalle

People feared the Assyrians military because of their cruelty. Even Amirahs best friend from the Babylonians, north of the Assyrian empire feared them.

Amirah loved to look at the sculptures created to honor the gods. She learned about them at a young age.

Photo by Turinboy

Amirahs dad works in the army and he told her about their achievements she was so proud that their war strategies and weopons.

Photo by sanbeiji

Sadly, Amirahs life came to an end after the Babylonians, Scythians, and a group called the Medes demolished the empire killing everybody and taking the survivors as slaves.

Photo by mharrsch


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Photo by -Reji