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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by fractalSpawn

Thought that if the earth went around the sun then the relative positions of stars would change as earth moves known as parallax 384-322 BCE

Photo by marazmova

A Greek astronomer and mathematician had a model of the solar system but was not accepted. He attempted to measure the real active distances to the moon and
310-230 BCE

Made a detailed geocentric model that has been used by astronomers for 14 centuries
100-170 CE

Photo by williamcromar

Thought that Ptolemy's model of the solar system was to complicated. He ended up making another model with better observations then Ptolemy's but his was a heliocentric model

Photo by Gijlmar

Kepler came up with three principles which are known as Keplers laws the first law states that planetary orbits and ellipses with the sun at one focus. Second law states that planets move faster when closer to the sun. Third law relates the distance of a planet to the sun to the time it takes to orbit

Photo by perpetualplum

Made improvements to today's telescope he observed the moons Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede orbiting Jupiter

Isaac Newton most people know who Isaac Newton is because go the apple story when it falls and he thought hmmm what makes it fall

Photo by aldoaldoz

Edwin Hubble
He is known for showing the recessional velocity of a galaxy with its distance from the earth

Photo by Bernt Rostad

Geocentric model
Description of the cosmos where earth is at the orbital center of all celestial bodies

Heliocentric model
Theory that places the sun at the center of the universe and the planets orbit it

Photo by nojhan