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Published on May 07, 2016

This slideshow is about Atelophobia, the fear of imperfection. It will describe Atelophobia and explain the connection between substance abuse.


Atelophobia. (2014). YouTube. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=di3Pa4NOIBg

Causes of Atelophobia - Atelophobia. (2013). Atelophobia. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://atelophobia.org/causes-of-atelophobia/

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Effects on the Family. (2015). Lighthouserecoveryinstitute.com. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://lighthouserecoveryinstitute.com/drug-and-alcohol-abuse-effects-on-the-family/

Drug Abuse Hurts Families. (2015). Easy to Read Drug Facts. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from https://easyread.drugabuse.gov/content/drug-abuse-hurts-families

Koenigsberg, Judy. "Specific phobias." Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. 2003. Retrieved May 08, 2016 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3405700365.html

Substance Abuse - AboutKidsHealth. (2016). Aboutkidshealth.ca. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/en/healthaz/conditionsanddiseases/behaviouralandemotionalproblems/pag

Symptoms of Atelophobia - Atelophobia. (2013). Atelophobia. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://atelophobia.org/symptoms-of-atelophobia/

Treatment of Atelophobia - Atelophobia. (2013). Atelophobia. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://atelophobia.org/treatment-of-atelophobia/

What is Atelophobia - Atelophobia. (2013). Atelophobia. Retrieved 8 May 2016, from http://atelophobia.org/what-is-atelophobia/



The Fear of Imperfection

What is it? Causes? Short/Long Term Effects?

  • the fear of not being good enough
  • caused by criticism, comparison, sensitivity, and childhood experiences
  • effects include feeling unsteady, insomnia, nausea, and hyperventilation
  • can develop into an obsessive compulsive disorder
Photo by Sarah G...

Does it affect others? How is it treated?

  • behaviour may seem irritating and affect relationships
  • affects socially, physically, emotionally, and mentally
  • must be diagnosed, and one must have willpower
  • find the cause and undergo therapy

What is the substance being abused? How? Why?

  • alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and inhalants are commonly used
  • used despite emotional, physical, mental, and financial harm
  • used because of frustration, depression, anxiety, and imperfection
  • accustomed to perfectionism, therefore they can't handle failure
Photo by Adam Mulligan

Link to substance abuse? Affects others?

  • become dependant, addicted and develop tolerance
  • abusing substances is a bad influence to others
  • causes unemployment, financial issues, violence and emotional stress
  • causes health problems, separation, rejection and legal issues
Photo by e_monk

The citations are in the description box.