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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By Matthew Yim

About Athena

  • Athena is the goddess of wisdom, warfare, reason, courage,  and the arts.
  • Invented the bridle, trumpet, flute, rake, plow, yoke, ship, and chariot.
  • Her symbols are the olive tree and the owl
  • Athena's weapons are the spear and her shield Aegis which Zeus also uses.
  • She is the patron goddess of Athens.
-Goddess of wisdom, courage, reason, warfare, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, weaving, purity, and skill
-invented the bridle, which permitted man to tame horses, the trumpet, the flute,the pot, the rake, the plow, the yoke, the ship, and the chariot.
-symbols: olive tree, owl
-only does war to defend herself
-patron goddess of Athens
-Zeus's favorite child
-Helped Odysseus, Jason, and Heracles

AThena's Birth

  • Zeus liked Metis, the goddess of wisdom and chased her until she gave in.
  • An oracle prophesied that Metis would have a son that would overthrow Zeus
  • Zeus swallowed Metis
  • He got a bad headache so Hephaestus cleaved his head open with a wedge
  • Athena came out of  Zeus's head.
-Metis was the goddess of wisdom
-Zeus chased after Metis until she gave in
-An Oracle of Gaea prophesied that Metis would have a daughter, and then a son who would overthrow Zeus
-Zeus swallowed Metis
-Zeus got a terrible headache and Hephaestus cleaved his head open with a wedge
-Athena came out of Zeus’s head in full battle armor


  • Medusa was a beautiful maiden
  • Medusa was a a priestess devoted to Athena 
  • She was not supposed to be associated with men
  • Medusa forgot her vows and became engaged to Athena 
  • Athena turned her into Medusa
-Medusa was a beautiful maiden
-Daughter of Phorkys and Keto
-Two sisters were the known as the Gorgons
-She was the only mortal of the three
-Devoted priestess to Athena
-She was not supposed to marry
-She became engaged to Poseidon and forgot her vows
-Athena turned her into Medusa
-Deliverance came to her in the form of death from Perseus
-In one version, Medusa was a very vain girl who was always talking about how beautiful she was
-She came into the temple of Athena with some friends.
-Medusa said the temple would be a lot better if it was devoted to her beauty, and then Athena appeared and turned her into a monster


  • Poseidon and Athena both wanted to be the patron of Athens
  • Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and water sprung forth
  • Athena created the olive tree
  • The king of Athens favored Athena's gift and she became the patron 
  • Poseidon cursed Athens
-Cecrops, the half snake and half man king of Athens, had to find a patron deity
-Poseidon, the god of the sea, and Athena both wanted to be the patron for Athens
-Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and water came out
-The water turned out to be salt water and was not very useful
-Athena created the olive tree
-The king of Athens was more impressed with Athena’s gift
-Poseidon cursed Athens that they may never have enough water
-Athens still has a water problem today


  • Arachne was a girl who ws good at weaving
  • She challenged Athena to a weaving contest
  • Athena destroyed her tapestry
  • Arachne hung herself
  • Athena turned her into a spider
-Arachne was a girl who was good at weaving
-Some said that Athena must have taught her
-Arachne denied it and said that she was just as good as Athena
-Arachne challenged Athena to a weaving contest
-Athena took the form of an old lady and warned Arachne to repent for what she had said
-Arachne did not heed Athena’s advice and so Athena dropped her disguise and the contest began
-Athena’s tapestry was that of her contest with Poseidon.
-Arachne’s tapestry showed the gods’ mistakes and errors
-Athena made Arachne feel shame and guilt for her insults
-Arachne hung herself and then Athena turned her into a spider.


  • The moral of the myths of Medusa and Arachne is to be humble
  • Another lesson of the myth of Medusa is not to be forgetful
  • The gods and goddesses were created as the Anceint Greeks' religion
  • Characters like Medusa were created for heroes to kill