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Atmospheric science and air pollution

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Atmospheric science and air pollution

By Brandon & Dellisia

wake up questions

  • Predict one thing that we are going to tell you about in our presentation?
  • How tall do you think dellisia really is?
  • This last one is only for mrs.DeSantis, can i go to the bathroom?

Quick Vocab

  • Atmosphere - the thin layer of gases that surround earth.
  • troposphere - blankets earths surface and provides us with air.
  • stratosphere - extends 7-31 mi above sea level.
  • Atmospheric Pressure - measure of force per unit area made by air.
  • ozone - reduces the amount of UV radiation the reaches earth surface.

But THERE'S more

  • relative humidity - ratio of water vapor in air, to the max amount.
  • convective circulation - warm air rises, becomes cold air, and drops.
  • Hadley cells - solar radiation at the equator makes convective cells.

Air pollution
Primary Pollutants
Secondary Pollutants

5 primary pollutants

  • Carbon Monoxide (CO)
  • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO)
  • Particular Matter 
  • Lead

Pollutants Pie

carbon monoxide

  • vehicles and engines account for 78% of CO emissions.
  • others are indusrial processes, combustion of waste.
  • And even residential wood burning

Sulfur Dioxide

  • Coal Cumbustion
  • Electricity Generation
  • Industry work


  • is added to gasoline for engine improvement
  • however it emits in to the air and can get into the human body...
  • causing central nervous system malfunction.

Secondary Pollutants

  • form from reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere.
  • Tropospheric Ozone (O3)
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Nitrogen Oxides

Ozone (O3)

  • can release one its 3 oxygen atoms and join reactions....
  • which can cause respiratory problems & injure Tissues in the body.
  • Made of Nitrogen oxides and volatile carbon chemicals and Sunlight


  • has 4 principal layers Troposphere
  • Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere.
  • Ozone is concentrated in the stratosphere.

FUn Facts 1

  • Global convective cells called Hadley, Ferrel, and Polar cells.....
  • create latitudinal climate zones
  • Weather is short term where as climate is long term, fronts, pressure.....
  • systems, and the interactions among air masses influence weather.

More Pollutants facts

  • Natural sources such as windblown dust, volcanoes ect. account for most....
  • atmospheric pollution but human activity can worsen some of these phenomena
  • To safeguard public health, the U.S. monitors criteria pollutants.
  • Clean Air Act has lowered U.S. emissions, air quality has improved.

More Atmospheric Facts

  • stratospheric ozone is thinned by CFC's which allow more UV rays in
  • More UV rays + Humans = Bad Stuff
  • Montreal Protocol have reduced emissions of ozone depleting compounds
  • Long residence time of CFC's in the atmosphere means a lag between the...
  • actual restoration of stratospheric Ozone.

Acidic Deposition

  • results when pollutants such as NO and SO2 react in the atmosphere to make-
  • acids that are deposited on earths surface. 
  • acidic deposition may occur a long distance from the source of pollution
  • Water Bodies, Soils, Trees, Animals, and ecosystems all experience negative
  • impacts from acidic deposition.

Indoor problems/solutions

  • indoor burning of fuelwood is developing world's primary indoor air....
  • pollution risk. tobacco smoke and radon are the deadliest indoor pollutant 
  • Volatile organic compounds and livings organisms can pollute indoor air.
  • using low toxicity building materials, keeping spaces clean, monitoring air
  • quality are some steps we can take to reduce indoor gasses