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Atom Project

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The billiard ball model was developed in 1803 by John Dalton. Dalton thought atoms were made of the same substance all the way through just like a billiard ball.

A scientist named Thomson developed the plum pudding model in 1904.

The planetary model was developed by a scientist named Rutherford in 1911. This model shows a positively charged nucleus as well as negatively charged electrons.

The quantum model was developed by Bohr, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Einstein and more in the 1950s.

The billiard ball model vs the plum pudding model.
Similarities: neither model has a nucleus.
Differences: the plum pudding model has electrons the billiard ball model doesn't.

The plum pudding model vs the planetary model.
Similarities: both have positive and negative charges in them.
Differences: the planetary model has a nucleus and electrons orbiting the nucleus but the plum pudding model doesn't.

The planetary model vs the quantum model.
Similarities: both have a nucleus and things orbiting the nucleus.
Differences: the planetary model has electrons but the quantum model has orbitals.