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Atomic number

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Atomic number

Atomic number is the number of protons in a atomic number.

Periodic Table

The period table is a table of chemical elements
Photo by NCSSMphotos

scientific  notation

EX:320          3..20x10


same elements and different mass
Photo by Ryan Somma


+ POsitive Charge
Photo by kevin dooley


Has no mass And is found outside of the nucle
Photo by TheJCB

mass number

is the total numbers of protons
Photo by Stefan Baudy

element number

element number is the number of protons in the atomic 
Photo by denn

alkali metal

alkali number are located in the left side of the period tabel

NOble gases

\\NOble gases are located to the left side of the periodic table.
Photo by @ARRGch