Democritus theorized that everything was made of tiny particles that he called Atomos
Aristotle built on Democritus theory, saying that even though everything is made of small particles, it all adds up to something different than the whole
Dalton mixed gasses with water vapors and when the water vapor would not dissolve into the gas he realized that atoms were made of atom pieces assembled together to form an element
Thompson formed a mode that would come to be known as "the plum pudding model" where the
Pastime atom was caked with negative atoms like raisins in plum pudding
Rutherford projected radiation on a strip of gold foil but he found some of the radiation reflected back, exposing film and showing that there was space between atoms and that there was a cloud of negatively charged particles
Millikam dripped water or oil through a pin hole while bombarded it radiation and observed how the particles behaved, showing that the weight of an electron is 1000x less that any particle
By radiating wax chadwick noticed that particles were being displaces by a previously unknown particle, he called this particle a neutron