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Everyone has been working on MTSS also. Jennifer shaped us, Karen is dragging is on.
We now have FIVE people focusing on behavior. We have coaches, we have Jeremy Centeno - ain't he great?
Teacherrs have been trained and trained. Teachers are teaching their heart out. We are CAGing, doing Kagan, we are at like in the trillions or something in math problems, data drive, results oriented, Plus2, PLCs, and the list goes on.
But, are we getting the results we want? Are we getting the results our work warrants? What do you think?
Thumbs up for yes , Thumbs down for no
Why? I think this model shows the answer. MTSS is not the problem - it is the answer. We just don't have all of the pieces in place yet. Academics are strong. Teachers know how to teach - we know what good teaching looks like. It can be measured - how many millions of assessments are out there? We don't have to great a curriculum - Here comes Harcourt or SRA - everything you need is there - there are even extras for all of the extras.
The issue is that Academics can't stand alone. We have to give equal attention to Behavior and Attendance. If one weak, it weakens the orthers - "you are only as strong as weakest part?"