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Welcome to our first meeting for Attendance Team Leads....this is exciting!

Attendance Matters

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Training for Bay District Schools Attendance Teams


Attendance Matters

Attending to Attendance
Welcome to our first meeting for Attendance Team Leads....this is exciting!

Photo by Gideon Tsang



Table introductions

Karen/Dana = game

Why are you here?
1. Share at your table
2. One person at each table be ready to share quick summary

Let me tell you why we are here. We are here because we KNOW that what we are

Photo by dr_tr

Let's play

Text .... to ......
Take out your phones
or computers (have cards on table with directions)

Photo by philcampbell

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DId you know US DOE launched a national attendance initiative last month?

Door Prize

Wanna be great - don't be late!
Do a drawing of people who were on time -

Point out the prize table - share what is on it

Hidden star under a chair - get a prize

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Everyone has seen this before right?

It is the model for how we should be doing our work.

I believe in this system - WHEN it is done right. When the process and the intent are honored.

MTSS Multi Tiered Systems of Support - maximizing teaching for student success

MTSS should be about working smarter, maximizing our resources, supporting students -

It should not be about how to get a student into ESE.

Unfortunately, and this is strictly my opinion - we were told to do it before anyone knew how to do it, what it should look like, and how to make it work.

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It's kind of like what happens when you dress yourself and you have no fashion sense - you end up with a mess - what can you salvage out of this?

This is my lovely Anna - I have dozens of these pictures - Fashion is not her friend. But, over time, we've worked on it. Sometimes it took me hiding things from her ...forever. But her style has improved.

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Everyone has been working on MTSS also. Jennifer shaped us, Karen is dragging is on.

We now have FIVE people focusing on behavior. We have coaches, we have Jeremy Centeno - ain't he great?

Teacherrs have been trained and trained. Teachers are teaching their heart out. We are CAGing, doing Kagan, we are at like in the trillions or something in math problems, data drive, results oriented, Plus2, PLCs, and the list goes on.

But, are we getting the results we want? Are we getting the results our work warrants? What do you think?

Thumbs up for yes , Thumbs down for no

Why? I think this model shows the answer. MTSS is not the problem - it is the answer. We just don't have all of the pieces in place yet. Academics are strong. Teachers know how to teach - we know what good teaching looks like. It can be measured - how many millions of assessments are out there? We don't have to great a curriculum - Here comes Harcourt or SRA - everything you need is there - there are even extras for all of the extras.

The issue is that Academics can't stand alone. We have to give equal attention to Behavior and Attendance. If one weak, it weakens the orthers - "you are only as strong as weakest part?"

Attendance Teams

Let's talk about why you are here. Let's talk about Attendance Teams.

Attendance teams - just like Behavior teams and academic teams - will address issues through all 3 tiers of support.

But, today at least - we are focusing on core. Our foundation. We have to build a strong foundation - the foundation should support 80 to 90% of your students. The more students you can support with core, the less you will have to support in tier 2 and 3 - which are more time consuming, more expensive, and a lot more work.

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Why do houses fail? The foundation. You don’t see it but it is probably the most important piece the house.

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Are all foundations the same? They all do the same job, they have some of the same basic features – but it is not a once size fits all. The foundation has to match the ground on which the house is being built. If the foundation is not designed for the ground – the house you build will probably fail. Maybe not at first, maybe you will struggle for years on repairing, patching, throwing money into it year after year after year until you are just exhausted and aggravated and you give up.

In education - what should determine our foundation?

Notice it says what should ....not what does.....

Quick share time at your table

It's Auction Time

Auction off an item

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The community is the ground that the school is built upon.

We have to know our community - in order to build our foundation
Our foundation must match the needs of the community.

And just like a house - some foundations are going to be extensive - lots of layers, lots of supports, it's going to cost more and take longer to build.


Think about the community of your school - describe your community - Share with table

Where do you start?

There are no directions. You can’t follow anyone else. We may all have the same destination in

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Again .... I have the answer for you ....

Seriously though - we hope you will find your direction here. Or at least enough to get you moving in the right direction on your journey.

I won't lie to you - it will be work. But work isn't so bad when you get results. Most of the work is in the preparation. And, if you do the preparation work well and you build a solid foundation - you will be able to start another project....

The Right Road

Or the road to the right?
The right road starts with problem solving

Take A Break

AND have a Drawing!

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Back to our path

Problem solving IS MTSS ..

It is not only the first step, but it is all of the steps. This is what you are going to do.

Key Tools

  • Essential Elements
Lets go to your toolkits. Problem solving IS what we do - but we need tools to do it with.

You don't know what you don't know - you an guess, you can follow everyone else. But, that is a dangerous game - they probably don't know where they are going either.

So, you have the Essential Elements. These are similiar to the BOQ for PBS.

This is not a checklist - you are not going to be graded on this - the goal is not to look good but to be good

You can sit down and guess at these items - you can get the team to sit around and say what they thing - but if you do, you are wasting you time. You might as well go play whack a mole.

If you want it to work - you have to really find out the answers. You will have to take a hard look at what you do - it probably won't be easy.

Split the Essential Elements up among tables - How can you find out?

Key Tools

  • Essential Elements
  • Attendance Plan Tool

Key Tools

  • Essential Elements
  • Attendance Plan Tool
  • Data Tools

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  • PSA's & Wake UP calls
  • Bookmarks, Posters

Messaging Tools

  • PSA's & Wake UP calls
  • Bookmarks, Posters
  • Letters, a brochure, tips

Messaging Tools

  • PSA's & Wake UP calls
  • Bookmarks, Posters
  • Letters, a brochure, tips


  • Guides & Ideas


  • Guides & Ideas
  • Middle & High Specific
  • Stickers, Punchcards, Beads


  • Guides & Ideas
  • Middle & High Specific
  • Stickers, Punchcards, Beads
  • Mr. Potato Head, BINGO

Engaging Families

  • Attendance Success Plan

Engaging Families

  • Attendance Success Plan
  • RAMP - mentoring

Engaging Families

  • Attendance Success Plan
  • RAMP - mentoring
  • Tips, ideas, strategies

Policies and Practices

Promising Practices

Monitoring & Using Data

A good place to start

We have a data issue in Bay County. And NOT all of it is focus.

If your data isn't good - what will that mean for the decisions that you make using that data?

Tools to analyze your data and begin think about where you start.

Some ideas for talking to your families and students - how are you going to find out what they think?

But it is really just the beginning

Photo by rbbaird

CeCe Brown

Haiku Deck Pro User