- today gold is used for coins as money
- it is also used inside of electronics
- this element being dug up under Earth's surface
- its melting point is 1064.43 °C (1337.5801 K, 1947.9741 °F)
- its boiling point is 2807.0 °C (3080.15 K, 5084.6 °F)
You will answer the following questions:
! Element Name
! Origin of name (if applicable)
! Symbol
! Bohr model
! Historical background - discovery of the
element – who and how?
! Interesting or unusual past uses
! Uses and importance
! How is the element obtained, made,
synthesized, etc.
! Melting point (Celsius)
! Boiling point (Celsius)
! Density (at room temperature)
! Other physical properties
! Chemical properties and/or reactivity
! Does it form compounds? If so, give some
! Find some bizarre/unique fact about your
element- something you believe is
distinctive and relatively unknown by the
general population.
! Name (first name and last initial ONLY) &
class period somewhere t