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Australia vs Burma

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by antwerpenR


  • The religion in Buma is in a total is 38624742.
  • There are :Muslims:4%
  • Buddhist:89%
  • Animists:1%
  • Christians:4% and Hindus:2%


Education in Burma

Primary School
In Primary School the budget is a lot more than you expected.The children stay 5 years in Primary School.If someone was in year 3 and you wanted to get into year 4 you will have to write an exam and pass it,if you want to get into year 4.You will have to do all subjects to get into year 4.If you don't pass the exam you will have to rewrite the exam or repeat year 3 again.

Middle School
In Middle School you WILL have to pass year 6,7 and 8.Before you write your year 8 exam you will be going to Secondary School.Before you do your year 8 exam you will have to be ready to go to Secondary School and and the only way for that is to book your seat in Secondary School and to book it in a government school(if needed).

Secondary School
In Secondary School you enter at year 9.You will have a choice to do Science Streams or Art.If you do Science Streams you will have to do chemistry,physics and biology.If you arts you will have to do history,geography and economics.If you are going to a government school you'll be sitting there doing your University entrance exam.

Vocational Education
Vocational education is done by a private sector.You will do one of these if you want to become in a hospitality,tourism beauty,fashion,nursing and engineering.It's a good experience for people with a little or not much effort into working or learning.

Photo by USAID Asia

Australia's Education
Australia range of study options for international students, with more than 1,200 institutions and over 22,000 courses to choose from. You can study at all levels of education from primary and secondary school, to vocational education and training, from English language courses to higher education (including universities).

Photo by superkimbo

Health Care
Burma is one of the world's least developed countries.It has a long history since the
World War 2.

Health Care in Australia.
The Health Care in Australia is mixed with Commonwealth and State Government.Australia's the only country that can give money to the poor.It is said that Australia can live 74 years with good and healthy,Health Care.

Photo by MDMA.

Population in Burma
The estimate for 2012 in Burma is 61,120,000 and the 1983 census in Burma is 35,442,972 and the density in Burma is 73.9/km or 191.

Photo by dany13

Australia's Population
Australia's population is 22.68 million.In the whole Australia.

Photo by electricnerve

The Government in Burma
The government in Burma is controlled by the military(Tatmadaw)in the form of the State Peace and Development Council(known as the SPDC).A parliamentary government was elected in 1990,but the military prevented it from convening.

Photo by infomatique

Australia's Parliament
Is in the ACT,it stands for Australia's Capital Territory.The parliament has two houses.House of Representatives and The Senate.The work of the Australian Parliament – its Members, Senators and parliamentary committees – is supported by four separate departments.

Photo by Sam Ilić

Burma's Housing
The housing in Burma is getting into a crisis.Even the government says that they can do nothing.When the Cyclone hit one million people died.In this picture you can see that the house is all destroyed because of the Cyclone.People are now sleeping in temples and sleeping beside a shop.

Photo by mikecogh

Australia's housing.
The housing in Australia is very comfortable,in many ways.The houses can be for families,couples and disability.Housing in Australia is committed to designing housing that we have led the innovative re-use of heritage buildings for affordable housing through redevelopment of Drill Hall in Melbourne CBD and Bunyip in Collingwood.

Photo by EyeAmACamera

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