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Published on Feb 04, 2016

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  • Nearly half a million people migrate in Australia annually
  • At this point 71.84% of the population is Australian born
  • 13% of the people arriving in Australia are from Britain and New Zealand
  • 7% are from China, 6% from India and 5% from South Africa
  • Without migration, the population of Australia would go backwards
Photo by Leonrw

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The 'Migration Program'

  • This is one of the few immigration programs in Australia
  • Aims to attract who are skilled in certain professions and trades 
  • There are 3 ways of entry
  • The planning level for 2014-15  is set at 190 000 places.
Photo by Antanith

The 'Humanitarian program'

  • Targets refugees and people who are facing serious human rights abuse.  
  • There is an onshore protection program for those who have already arrived 
  • Implements offshore resettlement programs
  • Is currently set at 13 750 places.
Photo by jakebouma

Migration Act (1958)

  • Unlawful migrants will be subject to compulsory detention and deportation
  • Estimated 50,000 people in Australia who have overstayed their visas. 
  • Recently the majority of people detained are Middle Eastern and South-East Asian asylum seekers.
Photo by Ma-Sor

Advantages of Migration

Disadvantages of Migration

Roles of government

Photo by Wilson Afonso

Asylum Seekers

Photo by Ma-Sor

Human Rights Violations

Photo by Luca Serazzi

Nauru detention centre