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Awful Auntie

Published on Jun 02, 2016

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Awful Auntie

by Jasmine Young

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  • Stella wakes up in Saxby House. She is bandaged. Stella finds out her family are dead, killed in a car crash.

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  • Stella is being watched over, some would say kept prisoner, by her ghastly Awful Aunt Alberta who wants to claim the inheritance that is rightly Stella’s.

awful anutie

  • Alberta fought for Germany in the war because she liked their uniform. She has a pet owl called Wagner.

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  • Alberta fought for Germany in the war because she liked their uniform. She has a pet owl called Wagner.

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  • Stella escapes her bandages and the room and hears Alberta talking to Stella’s headmistress on the telephone saying something like, “Don’t expect Stella back anytime soon.”

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  • Stella finds a spare key under the door. She escapes into the night but is tragically captured again by Alberta’s owl, Wagner.

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  • vB. Stella finds a spare key under the door. She escapes into the night but is tragically captured again by Alberta’s owl, Wagner. yes

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  • Alberta puts Stella down in the basement after her attempted escape

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  • Stella and Soot manage to escape. They inspect the wrecked Rolls Royce that was her parents and manage to telephone the police who do not seem in a hurry to come to Stella’s rescue

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  • Stella and Soot manage to escape. They inspect the wrecked Rolls Royce that was her parents and manage to telephone the police who do not seem in a hurry to come to Stella’s rescue

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  • Stella is being watched over, some would say kept prisoner, by her ghastly Awful Aunt Alberta who wants to claim the inheritance that is rightly Stella’s.

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  • Eventually, in the morning the policeman does arrive but he seems very much to be on Aunt Alberta’s side.

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  • Soot and Stella agree to become detectives to try and find out what has really happened to Stella’s parents and if Alberta is responsible.

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