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Aztec Journal

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Jarvemc


  • Today I witnessed Montezuma II talk on his palace
  • He talked about how the sacrifices went well
  • He also said that they would not being going to war with the Spanish just yet
  • He also said how that the coming harvest and how there will be a good crop turnout
Photo by mharrsch


  • Today Montezuma II appointed a new government official
  • As everyone knows he will serve as an official for the rest of his life
  • Noble status is not hereditary based
  • Though most sons of nobles earn high offices themselves


  • Today I witnessed a priest conduct a sacrifice
  • Some of the priests I met ran schoolsthat trained boys for government officials
  • A new priest was appointed from a lower class, even though they are usually chosen from nobles


  • Also a new military leader who was a commoner was chosen
  • All Aztec men are trained to be soldiers
  • Leaders commanded groups of soldiers and held war council


  • There is seven sub-classes inside the commoner class
  • There is pochteca, the highest ranked class, they were professional traders
  • Most commoners work as farmers


  • 30 percent of the Aztec population are peasents
  • These people were free, unlike slaves


  • The slaves are at the bottom of the Aztec Hierarchy
  • Slaves had a number of rights
  • They could own property, goods, and other slaves
  • Slave status didn't pass down to children


  • Today I was invited to see a marriage planned out between the two families
  • They then went to the matchmaker
  • The brides family refused, but then I realized it was customary to refuse
  • The family then accepted the marriage
  • The wedding was between a wealthy family who could afford very much


  • Men have higher status than women in our society
  • The skills of both mem and women are crucial to keep a household
  • The women's most important job is to care for the kids
  • The parent began teaching the kids at very young age
  • All boys attended school


  • We eat both imported and homegrown foods
  • Maize is very important here
  • Sometimes we add a little varitey, like turkey or rabbits
  • We grow different crops here too
  • The wealthy attend many different feasts and their diet is much different


  • Markets are an important part of our economy
  • Many people bring their wares to the market
  • Guards watch over the sellers acted honestly
  • If a problem arose, there is a court at the end of the market to reach a verdict
  • The market also had a social aspect of it


  • We Aztecs adopted some of our gods from other Mesoamerican cultures
  • Most of our rituals include blood
  • The richest scarifice is that of a human


  • Today we played Patolli
  • It is a game played on a board that symbolizes the 260 day calender
  • All social classes play Patolli
  • Only nobles play tlachtli