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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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There were 2 types of main weapons which the Aztecs used, weapons for hand to hand fighting and weapons for long range fighting.
There were main weapons for long range and for hand to hand. With the best long range weapon being the Atlatl,basically a dart thrower. With a range of 150 metres and the tip being dipped in poison this weapon was dangerous and effective and if you were struck in any part of the body with this weapon your chances of survival were very low. I am putting this in my museum because it is a very affective weapon and it shows how ruthless and how deadly the Aztec weapons really were.

Some of the largest parts of Aztec religion were the human sacrifice and the large festivals, which the Aztecs took part in very often. Also important in the Aztec religion was the sun, moon and the planet Venus which had many religious meanings. The Aztecs also worshipped many Gods including Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca all of which had their own temples inside the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. Because of the Aztecs superstitions and their relation with the sun and the stars they did have weird things they believed in including the fact that they thought the world would end every 52 years. I chose these gods in my museum because they show how superstitious the Aztecs really were and what they believed in including all the weird stuff and the normal.

The Aztec buildings were something that defined the Aztec culture, with buildings many
metres high and some taking years to construct and when the buildings started falling and crumbling down the Aztecs would just build right over it some being found to have 4 or 5 layers. The main temple in the Aztec empire was called The Great Temple (Templo Mayor) with a shrine on the top and the top of it being 80-100m in total height this was truly an ancient marvel. The houses in the Aztec empire were quite amazing as well, with the majority of the houses in the capital being connected to each other. I chose this amazing structure in my museum because it shows the length the Aztecs went to get what they and how hard they worked to get it.

The Aztecs were a race that had many amazing things that have been preserved so we can see them today. Some the best things that we have uncovered from the time of the Aztecs include, a 2 metre tall statue of the Aztec god Mictlantecuhtli it has half of its body skin ripped of, a lung hanging out of its chest, menacing claws that protrude from the hands of the statue and a mop of curly hair which may have been taken from living sacrifices. I am putting this item in my museum because I believe it shows many aspects of the Aztec culture in one little statue and I think it shows how the Aztecs believed the way the human body worked aswell.

The Aztecs were an elaborate race and it showed in the way they wore their clothes. The way the Aztecs wore their clothes was loose fitting and didn't cover all of the body and usually it would be made of cotton. The usual common person would usually wear a Loincloth and Tilma which barely covered their bodies and offered no protection from the harsh winds and rain in Tenochtitlán. With the rich abundance of dyes and colours the Aztecs possessed they were able to create brilliant pieces of clothing and other stuff. I am putting Aztec clothes in my museum because it was a symbolic part of the Aztec culture with most people able to recognise the distinct style the Aztecs used in their making of clothes and fashion items.

Aztec food was the beginning, or the base of modern Mexican food that we see today. In the time of the Aztecs the main ingredient of most dishes was Corn, Corn was the base of many dishes including the main one Tlaxcalli: Corn flour and water to make a tortilla or wrap. Other popular dishes were Pozole, Xoars and Atole. Aztec people would sometimes, at feasts or parties stuff themselves full of the food and them make themselves throw up again so they could eat some more. The food the Aztecs consumed was also full of rich spices, salts and vegetables which made this type of food extremely tasty. I put Aztec food in my museum because I thought it had a big influence on the way food is cooked and eaten today and also I think it had a big influence on the way the Aztecs lived.