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Slide Notes

California's Drought: More Wildfires, Higher Food Prices - John Metcalfe - The Atlantic Cities

Bad For Business

Climate change is the most serious issue facing mankind today. Our actions will determine the world our children and grandchildren will inherit from us.


Folsom Lake

California's Drought: More Wildfires, Higher Food Prices - John Metcalfe - The Atlantic Cities

Yosemite Rim Fire

Global Warming and Monster Wildfires

Climate change is here, now. We're seeing the growing risks and costs.

Global warming is fueling dangerous “mega fires.” We are more vulnerable to wildfires that are bigger, more dangerous, more difficult for firefighters to control, and more expensive than ever.

Global warming isn’t the only culprit, but the science is clear: the fingerprints of climate change are all over wildfire crime scenes. Hotter weather and heat waves, more frequent droughts, low snow-pack, and early snow melt add up to conditions that extend fire seasons and spike the risk of more frequent, larger, and more severe wildfires.

SFO Runways

Each degree of warming raises sea levels 7.5 feet

50% of global population lives within 60 km of a coast

Fwd: California sea level projected to rise at higher rate than global average - UC Santa Cruz

Maribel Andonian

Haiku Deck Pro User